Viewing all items for tag Business
September 23, 2016
Internet Marketing
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Author: Rick D'Haene
>Blog>Internet Marketing>Internet Marketing Basics: 5 Methods For Online Success
In this day and age, most business owners are aware that having a website is crucial for the success of their business. This recognition is evident in the droves of new business websites being published on the internet on a daily basis. These new websites compete for search engine rankings in Google and Bing like all others. As such, the benefit of simply having a business website is being diluted amidst the myriad newcomers.
Internet Marketing, as well as Digital Marketing, offer opportunities for businesses to outperform their rival’s efforts to outrank them in the search engines or to gain a larger market share through online advertising and strategic business asset utilization.
Now, perhaps more than ever, understanding your business’ audience and the internet marketing opportunities surrounding it is equally important. In 2016, marketing your business online is an effective, affordable option.
Here are the top 5 essential methods your internet marketing plan needs to grow your business.
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May 3, 2016
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Author: Rick D'Haene
>Blog>Business>Keeping Your Content Safe: Website Copyright Essentials
In the United States, copyrights exist to promote arts and culture. Copyright also protects your digital assets—your design, written content, branded imagery (e.g. a color you’ve created), photography, and more.
But exactly what do you need to do to protect your online assets? There are some easy steps you can take to protect yourself from digital theft or exploitation.
First and foremost, adding a copyright notice on your work is an excellent way to claim your properties. Adding a © symbol, next to the date the item was created and your name or company name, will cover you in most cases.
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November 17, 2015
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Author: Rick D'Haene
>Blog>Business>5 Reasons Why Your Business Website Needs A Blog
Many business owners ask if it’s worth having a blog for their business website. The majority of the time, the answer is yes. Blogging offers a simple way to connect to your audience without the need for complex design or web-based skills, among tons of other benefits.
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September 14, 2015
Author: Rick D'Haene
>Blog>Business>Small Business WordPress Websites
Small businesses have unique needs when it comes to their websites. The most obvious of these needs are performance in the form of sales or conversions, affordability, and scalability. WordPress is perfectly suited to fill these needs.
Small Business Sales / Conversions with WordPress
Unless other accommodations are being made, a website development plan which does not include a search engine optimization and conversion strategy is inherently flawed. Every website should have goals: create sales, deliver lead form submissions, newsletter signups, or simply page views. Establishing a list of goals allows for proper micro- and macro-analytic tracking which will allow conversion rate optimization to be applied.
Conversion rate optimization is the process of reviewing conversion analytic data in order to ascertain specific reasons behind a successful, or unsuccessful, conversion strategy.
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July 18, 2014
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Author: Rick D'Haene
>Blog>Business>Bellingham WP’s Sustainable Connections Membership
I’m very proud to announce that Bellingham WP has become a member of Sustainable Connections. Sustainable Connections is a membership-based group of local businesses whom understand the benefits of supporting our local economy while committing to sustainable business practices. Holding a membership with Sustainable Connections has been a goal of mine for Bellingham WP ever since we began offering website design services.
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May 19, 2014
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Author: Rick D'Haene
>Blog>Business, WordPress>Why Bellingham Business Websites Use WordPress?
This is a very common and intelligent question to ask. After all, why should you invest in a WordPress-based website design for your business? There are numerous reasons, but I’ll outline my favorite briefly for you. If you’re wondering if WordPress is the right system for your business, just give me a ring. I’ll give you the knowledge you need to make a sound business decision, even if it means referring you to a competitor.
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May 15, 2014
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Author: Rick D'Haene
>Blog>Business, Website>Start A Business In Bellingham (With a WordPress Website)
Back in 2008 I (Rick) had found myself working for a mid-sized server manufacturing company. With the economy as it was, this company decided that they couldn’t afford to have me continue testing their web software and I was let go. At the time the event was quite devastating. In addition to some health issues I was working through I wasn’t able to find work immediately. After a very uncomfortable period of time my wife and I decided to pull the trigger on being self-employed. We had heard a lot about it being difficult, but we knew we were up for the challenge. In our eyes, going back and working for someone else could land us in the exact same situation again… the economy could take a turn for the worse and leave us penniless.
Shortly thereafter I started my first incarnation of Bellingham WP, then named D’Haene Design. It was difficult to start, but we managed to get by the first few months. From the beginning I had set to work with my search engine optimization knowledge and, after a few months, my website was ranking really well for my targeted keyword search terms which were driving a fair bit of traffic that resulted in work and projects. In hind-sight, and you can quote me on this, the website made all the difference.
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May 7, 2014
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Author: Rick D'Haene
>Blog>Business>Local Businesses and Online Success
Back in the early days of the internet simply having a website online could be enough effort to guarantee that your business would be found. The primary reason being that competition was very thin. Potential clients and customers were clamoring to use the internet for all purposes, including finding service providers. As we all know, the dot-com boom was followed by a sharp collapse. As more and more competition entered the marketplace, in the form of new websites offering new services, the easy approach of ‘set it and forget it’ quickly disappeared.
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