Bellingham WP’s Sustainable Connections Membership

I’m very proud to announce that Bellingham WP has become a member of Sustainable Connections. Sustainable Connections is a membership-based group of local businesses whom understand the benefits of supporting our local economy while committing to sustainable business practices. Holding a membership with Sustainable Connections has been a goal of mine for Bellingham WP ever since we began offering website design services.
I attended my first Member Connect meeting yesterday (Thursday the 17th) in the AM and made contact with several local, like-minded businesses. It was wonderful speaking with these business owners and representatives and learning about what they do and how they serve our community. The event itself was headed by Sustainable Connections Membership Coordinator Abby Terpstra and, after a brief introduction, each member was given 30 seconds to discuss their business and the services they offer to the member across from them. This was followed by a 10 second open discussion, and then a seat rotation so that each member was sitting across from a new member and then the process was repeated. This represented a great, structured format to briefly pitch your business and what you do as well as to exchange business cards.
Although I’m not certain if the venue is the same for each Member Connect meeting, this specific meeting was held at the Whatcom Dispute Resolution Center on Prospect street in Bellingham which served the meeting’s needs quite nicely.
I also want to thank Triple Wren Farms for providing several beautiful flower bundles for the Sustainable Connection members. My wife was very happy and surprised when I brought this bundle home. Thank you!
Triple Wren Farms will also be featured on this year’s Whatcom County Farm Tour, which, if you’ve never been, is a blast for both adults and kids.
In closing, thank you Sustainable Connections for putting on a wonderful Member Connect meeting and for giving me the opportunity to connect with so many wonderful local businesses.