WordPress Vulnerability: All In One SEO Plugin version 2.3.7 and earlier

WordPress Plugin Vulnerability

A vulnerability has been recently uncovered in the All In One SEO WordPress plugin, versions 2.3.7 and earlier. If your WordPress website makes use of the All In One SEO plugin it is recommended that you or your website’s administrator take a backup of your website’s database and then update the plugin to version 2.3.8.

All Bellingham WP managed WordPress websites have been updated and secured against this vulnerability.

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All In One SEO WordPress Vulnerability

About Rick D'Haene

Rick D'Haene is a web developer, specializing in WordPress, with a degree in graphic and website design. Rick has extensive knowledge of internet marketing and organic search engine optimization (SEO). He and his lovely wife Melissa reside in Bellingham, Washington, and have a few fun pets to keep them company.

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